(By the way, we weren't drinking anything when this was written. -- Theo & Kevin.)
Burnt Rat Ginger Beer
Theo burnt instead of boiled the fermentables but extra carbon aside, this batch turned out pretty good. Then Theo went on various trips: five weeks to Mexico, two weeks to Singapore, then 2 weeks covering most of the western USA. When he returned ... the beer had become HEROIC. Here's what the critics are saying:
"We offered them money for the secret ingredient found in Burnt Rat but they turned us down. Then they chased us on their bikes. It was a terribly frightening experience." -Big Rock Breweries
"I didn't puke till the fifth beer, the first four were pretty good!" -C. Harding
"mmmmmmm, Burn Rat. My only weakness" -H. Simpson
Boiled Rat Ginger Beer
Theo did this one up right but a nasty cold snap hit so we had to incubate...er...brew this one in the bathroom where it was usually warm. Nothing like a little Boiled Rat in the morning I say.
"We were appalled when told that this beer's secret ingredient is the blood of an influenza victim. But, well, perhaps the time has come for such bravery in the ingredient department. We tried to hire them, but they chased us on their bikes again..." -Big Rock Breweries
This batch turned out to be mostly undrinkable but its utility as a general house-hold disinfectant was first rate. It also was pretty good as a bicycle chain de-greaser.
Band-aid (TM) Sherry
Theo admits that he messed up. This sat downstairs till it became poison. We were not able to drink it, nor have we reached any deals with phramaceutical companies. (Eventually we tossed it, and the drains improved).